Built to make your travel better

We are @hotel

The @hotel Team

@hotel is a travel booking platform unapologetically prioritizing you, offering unmatched value with better prices, curated community insights, and superior customer service.

Designed by a team devoted to reshaping travel for the better, we're committed to making each trip booked with us as unforgettable and seamless as possible.

Across our 100+ social media accounts covering every major destination, we show you the best things trending in travel. And with top-notch customer support, we guarantee an experience that not only meets, but exceeds, your trip expectations.

You can count on us to make your trip feel like that IG photo.

@hotel's social reach:

We are the premier travel entertainment hub for millions

@hotel is the industry leader for modern travel inspiration, boasting the largest and most engaged global audience in travel.


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Social accounts


Active users
TravelLeisure logo
Frommers logo
Uproxx logo
Phocuswire logo
Tripsavy logo
Travelpulse logo

Our investors:

The biggest names in travel and social commerce

We're proud to have the backing and support of some of the most well-known global investors in the travel and social commerce space:

Meet the team behind @hotel

Our fully remote team spans seven countries and eight time zones, and share the same enthusiasm for travel, and its potential to reignite our collective curiosity and break down barriers. We pride ourselves on our commitment to exceeding your travel expectations, which is why we average 4.6/5 stars on Trustpilot (the average Trustpilot score for hotel booking platforms is 1.3 stars).
Konrad Waliszewski portrait photo
Konrad Waliszewski
Washington, D.C.
Andy Acs portrait photo
Andy Acs
Washington, D.C.
Ahmed Darwish portrait photo
Ahmed Darwish
Cairo, Egypt
Ahmed Serry portrait photo
Ahmed Serry
Cairo, Egypt
Aly Elkhadem portrait photo
Aly Elkhadem
Cairo, Egypt
Dejan Markovic portrait photo
Dejan Markovic
Noel Jackson portrait photo
Noel Jackson
Lisbon, Portugal
Fouad Fawzy portrait photo
Fouad Fawzy
Cairo, Egypt
Hisham Darwish portrait photo
Hisham Darwish
Cairo, Egypt
Ian Shields portrait photo
Ian Shields
Washington, D.C.
Laura Wilson portrait photo
Laura Wilson
Nashville, Tennessee
Mateo Mejia portrait photo
Mateo Mejia
Manizales, Colombia
Shady El-Mashak portrait photo
Shady El-Mashak
Dahab, Egypt
Rana Ashraf portrait photo
Rana Ashraf
Cairo, Egypt
Mariam Zein portrait photo
Mariam Zein
Cairo, Egypt
Hyman Ahmed portrait photo
Hyman Ahmed
Cairo, Egypt
Razan Othman portrait photo
Razan Othman
Cairo, Egypt
Bassem Shehata portrait photo
Bassem Shehata
Cairo, Egypt
Krzysztof Stanislawek portrait photo
Krzysztof Stanislawek
Puebla, Mexico
Brynn Chadwick portrait photo
Brynn Chadwick
Perth, Australia
Mohamed Tariq portrait photo
Mohamed Tariq
Cairo, Egypt
Brian Khasara portrait photo
Brian Khasara
Cairo, Egypt
Fadi Nabil portrait photo
Fadi Nabil
Cairo, Egypt
Abdullah Hesham portrait photo
Abdullah Hesham
Cairo, Egypt
Omar Yasser portrait photo
Omar Yasser
Cairo, Egypt
Maiar Hamza portrait photo
Maiar Hamza
Cairo, Egypt
Amro Aref portrait photo
Amro Aref
Cairo, Egypt
Betty Farid portrait photo
Betty Farid
Cairo, Egypt
Caitlyn Martinez portrait photo
Caitlyn Martinez
Madison, Wisconsin
Carlina Harris portrait photo
Carlina Harris
Valencia, Spain
Habiba Abushama portrait photo
Habiba Abushama
Cairo, Egypt
Jeff Hyer portrait photo
Jeff Hyer
Kalispell, Montana
Kate Mishchanyn portrait photo
Kate Mishchanyn
Kyiv, Ukraine
Marissa Sherman portrait photo
Marissa Sherman
Annapolis, Maryland
Matt Howard portrait photo
Matt Howard
Madison, Wisconsin
Moe Hamdey portrait photo
Moe Hamdey
Cairo, Egypt
Mohamed Elsahy portrait photo
Mohamed Elsahy
Cairo, Egypt
Omar Sadek portrait photo
Omar Sadek
Cairo, Egypt

Press highlights

Just a few of the stories about @hotel in the tech, business, and travel press.